
Showing posts from June, 2017

UX design

In my last blog entry I talked about learning design. Today I want to talk about a related concept called UX. A part of me thinks that UX is and should be considered as a part of learning design but having talked to a number of people about this, I have arrived at the conclusion that these two concepts are thought of as related but separate so will happily leave it at that. UX refers to  u ser e x perience and is how a person (user) feels when they use a product or service or interface with a system. The key word here being experience. UXD refers to  u ser e x perience  d esign and encompasses factors such as: how usable (and useful) the product is how will the user interact with the product  how accessible the product is  how visually pleasing it is  how easily and intuitively it can be used by the customer.                                 ...