Visual hierarchy in eLearning

During my initial days as an eLearning developer, I often tried to go for very bright and colourful themes and backgrounds as I perceived them to be visually attractive. I also had the habit of putting a lot of graphic elements in my slides. This happened as I did not have a well-developed sense of visual hierarchy back then. A visual hierarchy is the sequence in which a person looks at things. This is a very important concept as it allows you to control (to a great extent) the manner and sequence in which learners look at your content. Used effectively, a visual hierarchy can generate and sustain interest in your learners and give them a feeling that they are looking at the important stuff. Used ineffectively or not used at all can make the learners feel that the course is directionless or has a lot of fluff and put them off. In order for the visual hierarchy to be effective, our information need to align with how the human brain and eyes co-ordinate t...