
I love a good story. I remember I used to love them when I was a kid. I still love them, albeit, the type of stories that intrigue me now has changed a lot from the type that I used to like when I was a kid. Most people love stories. I read somewhere that it is because human beings are hard wired to better process and store information when it is presented to them in a narrative form. This could be the reason why throughout human history information, morals and value systems have been taught and brought forward using stories. Think about some pieces of information that were provided to you last week without any context or narrative and think about a movie you watched a few years ago. Chances are you would still remember the movie from a few years ago better than you remember the pieces of information from a few days ago. The reason behind this is that the movie told you a story, which means that the information provided in the movie was provided to you in a believable,...