
Showing posts from May, 2018


Microlearning is strongly gearing up to be the buzzword for 2018 in instructional design and L&D circles. Sometimes also called as bite sized learning, Microlearning is an easy enough concept to understand. It is learning in small doses. It is learning along a very narrow and very specific learning concept. So, for example, a traditional eLearning course might be an hour long but in Microlearning we are talking about a learning aid that might take 5-10 minutes. But how much can a person learn in 5-10 minutes you ask? Apparently heaps or at least enough to do the job. I had recently purchased an old guitar with a couple of strings broken. Now I did not know the first thing about repairing broken guitar string. So, the first thing that I did was fire up my computer, go to YouTube and look for a video that deals with this subject matter. After watching a 3-minute video I was able to repair both the strings. That is Microlearning and its benefits in a nutshell for you. There i...