Spaced learning and problem solving

There have been many instances in my life where I learned something only to forget it sometime later. Two things that come to mind are Calculus and operating the back end of Moodle (an LMS very popular in Australia, India and the UK). I do not think much about Calculus as I am sure I would not have made it anywhere as a mathematician anyway but forgetting how to operate certain things in Moodle is something that haunts me every single day. The reason why I forgot how to operate Moodle is because I did not use it for a couple of years. During these years I entered what is called as a ‘forgetting curve’. This was a term first used by Hermann Ebbinghaus in the late 1880s. This essentially means that any information in our memory not used for a certain period starts to decay. The rate of decay may be different for different pieces and types of information, but it does affect every piece of information. So, what is the relevance of this forgetting cu...